
Nutrition Working Group

The “Nutrition Working Group” is a research group that discusses nutrition throughout the human life cycle. The focus of this group is to assess the nutritional condition of the community from neonate to the elderly, including assessing nutritional status, factors that influence nutritional status, solutions to overcome malnutrition problems, and evaluation. This group also includes research into food materials and technology to support nutrition and health

List of Projects
  1. Zero stunting

Zero stunting contains research on the incidence of stunting, risk factors, social determinants of health, prevention and health promotion efforts to prevent stunting, as well as management.

  • Analysis of Protein and Energy Intake in Stunting Events in the Bandarharjo Community Health Center Working Area

Chief Investigator: Nanik Marfuati

  • Stunting Knowledge Education Through Audiovisual Media to Communities in the Kedungmundu Health Center Working Area

Chief Investigators : Oky Rahma Prihandani

  • Risk Factors of Stunting in Toddlers 24-59 Months in Rembang Regency (Galuh Ramaningrum, Hema Dewi Anggraheny)


Ramaningrum G, Anggraheny HD, Lahdji A. (2022). Risk factors of stunting in toddlers 24-59 months in Rembang Regency, Indonesia. South East Asia Nursing Research 4(1):7. http://dx.doi.org/10.26714/seanr.4.1.2022.7-13

Chief Investigator: Galuh Ramaningrum

  • Household food security and WASH practices in children with undernutrition: a case study in low middle income area in Semarang, Indonesia


Anggraheny, H. D., Setiawan, M. R., Widiasih, E., & Dewi, E. C. (2024). Household food security and WASH practices in children with undernutrition: a case study in low middle income area in Semarang, Indonesia. BKM Public Health and Community Medicine40(05), e12356. https://doi.org/10.22146/bkm.v40i05.12356

Chief Investigator: Hema Dewi Anggraheny

  1. Women Health

This is research that focuses on women’s nutrition, especially women of childbearing age. Ongoing research assesses balanced nutritional behavior in women of childbearing age, the factors that influence it, as well as the development of self-monitoring media for balanced nutritional behavior for premarital women.

  • Analysis of balanced nutritional behavior in Premarital Women in Semarang City.

Chief Investigator: Hema Dewi Anggraheny

Chief Investigator

Nanik Marfuati

Oky Rahma Prihandani

Galuh Ramaningrum

Hema Dewi Anggraheny